Notes Disclaimer Now Before Email Profile D-land

2001-12-26 - on my mind
2001-12-18 - pasta
2001-11-09 - bobby thinks I'm pretty
2001-08-06 - find a hobby, fuckwit
2001-07-15 - confession
2001-07-11 - Lady Love Lost/Sacrificed
2001-07-09 - boom
2001-07-04 - Happy 4th
2001-07-01 - whack biscuit
2001-06-27 - smacked in the face
2001-06-07 - I miss Timmy
2001-06-01 - whackness, cradle robbing, and putting forth effort.
2001-05-10 - girls rule, boys drool and they don't even notice.
2001-05-08 - two more days and we just might see
2001-05-06 - topsey turvey five dollar bill
2001-04-26 - ouch
2001-03-28 - the usual confusion
2001-02-03 - it might be all there is, but then again, it may just be Part One